New Features

About the New Features category (2)
Debugging improvements (13)
Showing the files on an SD card (20)
(defun (setf foo) (val arg) ...) (2)
Stack traces and errors (2)
Destructuring-bind (6)
What would you like to see in uLisp in 2024? ( 2 3 ) (53)
The revamped streams thread (1)
Proposed solution to serial buffer problems ( 2 ) (22)
Calling up the last line typed with a single keystroke (12)
Would it be possible to provide "return-from" in uLisp? (2)
What would you like to see in uLisp in 2023? ( 2 ) (26)
uLisp as a Library + Outside of the Arduino IDE (PlatformIO, etc) (11)
Make uLisp as standalone library (3)
Extending uLisp with SPI 16bit -> transfer16 (9)
MIDI support / with-serial @ 31250 baud (16)
Interrupt handling (20)
Common Lisp LAST function (1)
Proposed uLisp extension for writing to ports (8)
If there's a (room) function can we have a (board) function? (10)
Identifying ulisp (1)
Hard reset function (5)
LoRa / ESP32 functions? (3)
A better IDE for uLisp? ( 2 ) (23)
Proposal to add keyword arguments in the next release (17)
Native complex numbers (4)
Future directions for uLisp (9)
Control over GC (enable/disable/set-ceiling, etc) (6)
Subseq on lists (4)
Making uLisp run faster – any suggestions? (8)