"Black pill" version of uLisp?



I want to experiment with µLisp on a “black pill” development board, which is a “blue pill” development with two

  1. it is black instead of blue :)
  2. it has a STM32F401CCU6 or STM32F411CEU6 µcontroller instead of a STM32F103C8T6

Is there a µLisp implemtations for the “black pill” line of boards already?
How hard would it be to port µLisp STM32 “blue pill” to a “black pill” board to fully support it?
(I am kinda Lisp newbie but have experiences in C/C++ …)

Thanks a lot for any help in avance!


If there’s an Arduino core that supports the Black Pill, then it shouldn’t be too hard.

See Porting uLisp to a new platform.