MXChip IoT DevKit AZ3166
The MXChip IoT DevKit AZ3166 is based on the STMicroelectronics STM32F412RG Cortex-M4 microcontroller running at 1000MHz, with 256Kbytes of SRAM and 1Mbytes on-chip flash, with another 2Mbytes on-board SPI flash.
The board includes several sensors and peripherals, including a 128×64 OLED, an HTS221 temperature and humidity sensor, an LSM6DSL acceleromenter and gyroscope sensor, an LPS22HB absolute pressure sensor, and a LIS2MDL magnetometer.
It runs the STM32 version of uLisp with a few modifications, and is similar in performance to the ATSAMD51 boards, but unfortunately the serial interface issue makes it difficult to install large uLisp programs.
I got mine from Amazon:
MXChip AZ3166 IoT DevKit
The serial interface hangs up on Mac after sending 384 bytes, making it impossible to upload any reasonably large program.