Cardputer uLisp Machine


The Cardputer uLisp Machine is a handheld Lisp computer based on an M5Stack Cardputer Kit:

The M5Stack Cardputer is a card-sized portable computer based on the ESP32-S3, available for about £30/$30. It has a 240x135 colour TFT display that gives a scrolling display of up to 16 lines of 40 characters, an integrated 56-key keyboard, and an SD card socket.

The Cardputer is contained in a fairly rugged case, and includes a 120 mAh rechargeable battery on the main board and a 1400 mAh LiPo cell in the backpack. These can be charged from the USB port.

The firmware is based on the ESP version of the latest 4.7 release of uLisp, with several enhancements to support the Cardputer. For more details see:

Cardputer uLisp Machine

Acknowledgements to @hasn0life who did the initial work on this.


It’s a great little device for the size, price, and capabilities – M5Stack, like LilyGo, is really coming up with some cool loadouts and prototyping devices of late. It’s got a nicer keyboard for programming than the T-Deck, too, though suspect T-Deck’s might last longer.

My main regret is that it lacks PSRAM, even a 2MB PSRAM would have greatly boosted its capabilities and flexibility. A slightly larger screen would also have been nice, but those get expensive in cost and power really quickly – maybe a Sharp Memory display instead? Oh well, guess I’ll hope for a Cardputer-Plus or -Pro.