Compiler error uLisp sketch for Arduino Zero / M0


Hello everybody.
I am new to uLisp and try to upload my Arduino M0 with the sketch for the SAM/SAMD Version 1.9a from Now I get the message [ ‘SYMBOLTABLESIZE’ was not declared in this scope.]
I use Arduino IDE 1.8.5 and my computer is running under W10 and my uLisp version i try to compile is 1.9a

It look’s me fun if I can work with a microcontroller with Lisp.
So have somebody a suggestion how i can solve my problem.

Greeting Abraham.


The problem is that the Arduino M0 isn’t officially supported, because I haven’t yet had a chance to test uLisp with a board. For a full list see:

However, assuming the board is similar to the other SAM/SAMD boards it should work if you provide a definition for it in the uLisp source. If you find the section of the source starting with the comment:

// Workspace

there’s a series of #defines for each supported board. You could try changing:

#if defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_ZERO)


#if defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_M0)

which might work. Let me know how you get on.



Hello David.

Thanks for your comment, now i can compile and upload uLisp to my Arduino M0. But my next “problem” is that my bord have a different output for the serial communication and for this I need a separate serial to USB converter. At home I have a lot of them, but I am not at home before the weekend.
In the picture you can see in the upper right corner the 2 pin’s female header for the communication. I have make a little arduino program with each second a print command in it and this give’s a puls on this TXD pin.

I have buy this bord on e-bay for 12 dollar.
In the weekend I do some more testen.

Greeting, Abraham.


Hello Abraham,

Glad to hear you got it working! Let me know how you get on when you get the serial working.



Hello David.

This weekend I am arrive at home. I also tested the Arduino M0 with a serial to USB converter. This device work under W10.

Here you can see the Arduino M0 Native on com9 and the USB to serial converter on Com11.
After uploading the Arduino sketch into the Arduino M0 we get the message back from the board:

An answer from uLisp on the Arduino M0. The show must go on. The next step with I want to make is to build a “shield” to connect an SD-cart to the board. So we can save a program.

Greeting Abraham Vreugdenhil.
