Documentation on creating raw binaries


I went through the reference, and ulisp appears to bake in all machine information. or connect via terminal to the device, but not a lot on creating binaries that would need to be flashed to the device.

I am specifically looking into ulisp for the lisp assembly portion as documented here.

Is there any documentation on what I am looking for?


I assume you mean the binary of the uLisp interpreter.

uLisp is built on top of the Arduino support for each platform. The easiest way to install uLisp is to compile it and upload it from the Arduino IDE, but you could alternatively save the binary using the Export compiled binary command on the Arduino IDE Sketch menu, and then upload that directly.


@johnsondavies right, so it seems I can’t pass options like I could to the gcc like -nostdlib -nostartfiles -ffreestanding

I am looking to create my own binary for a new machine. And judging by how you called this an interpreter, it is not compiled, and therefore cannot generate a binary in this same manner like gcc. There must be a kernel/os already on the device, and the interpreter is packaged with the binary generated from ulisp. Meaning there are start files, and is merely a process on the device.

Is this correct?


Yes, it’s an interpreter, so you’ll need uLisp as a runtime on your new machine.