ESP32 Capacitive Touch Sensor


Hello. I was finally able to implement something in ulisp, it’s not much but it’s important to me. For the esp32 implement the function touchRead(GPIO);
indent preformatted text by 4 spaces

const char string230[] PROGMEM = "touchread";

const char doc221[] PROGMEM = "(touchread pin)\n";
{ string230, fn_touchread, 0x11, doc221 },

object *fn_touchread (object *args, object *env) {
  (void) env;
  int pin;
  object *arg = first(args);
  if (keywordp(arg)) pin = checkkeyword(TOUCHREAD, arg);
  else {
    pin = checkinteger(TOUCHREAD, arg);
  return number(touchRead(pin));

y el checkeo de los pines todavia incompleto
void checktouchread (int pin) {
#if defined(ESP8266)
  if (pin!=17) error(ANALOGREAD, PSTR("invalid pin"), number(pin));
#elif defined(ESP32)
if (!(pin==0 || pin==2 || pin==3 ||(pin>=4 && pin<=6) ))
      error(TOUCHREAD, PSTR("invalid pin"), number(pin));
#elif defined(ARDUINO_FEATHER_ESP32)
  if (!(pin==4 || (pin>=12 && pin<=15) || (pin>=25 && pin<=27) || (pin>=32 && pin<=36) || pin==39))
    error(ANALOGREAD, PSTR("invalid pin"), number(pin));
  if (!(pin==8 || (pin>=14 && pin<=18))) error(ANALOGREAD, PSTR("invalid pin"), number(pin));
  if (!((pin>=5 && pin<=9) || (pin>=16 && pin<=18))) error(ANALOGREAD, PSTR("invalid pin"), number(pin));
  if (!((pin>=0 && pin<=1) || (pin>=3 && pin<=5))) error(ANALOGREAD, PSTR("invalid pin"), number(pin));
#elif defined(ARDUINO_FEATHERS2) | defined(ARDUINO_ESP32S2_DEV)
  if (!((pin>=1 && pin<=20))) error(ANALOGREAD, PSTR("invalid pin"), number(pin));
#elif defined(ARDUINO_ESP32C3_DEV)
  if (!((pin>=0 && pin<=5))) error(ANALOGREAD, PSTR("invalid pin"), number(pin));
#elif defined(ARDUINO_ESP32S3_DEV)
if (!(pin==0 || pin==2 || pin==3 || (pin>=4 && pin<=9 ))
    error(TOUCHREAD, PSTR("invalid pin"), number(pin));

How can I do so that when I install a new version of ulisp I don’t have to write all these changes again.



Maybe adding a new function will work for you. Please check here:

Best Regards


I’ve added formatting to your program.

How can I do so that when I install a new version of uLisp I don’t have to write all these changes again.

Currently there isn’t an easy way to do this. You’d need to add it again to a new version.


I am going to map the pins of the other esp32 boards well so that the checktouchread() function works on all boards with these capabilities


All the esp32 are mapped with their touch pins.

   void checktouchread (int pin) {
    #if defined(ESP8266)
         error(TOUCHREAD, PSTR("invalid pin"), number(pin));
    #elif defined(ESP32)
    if (!(pin==0 || pin==2 || pin==3 ||(pin>=4 && pin<=6) ))error(TOUCHREAD, PSTR("invalid pin"), number(pin));
    #elif defined(ARDUINO_FEATHER_ESP32)
      if (!(pin>=12 && pin<=15) || pin==27 || pin==32 || pin==33) error(TOUCHREAD, PSTR("invalid pin"), number(pin));
      if (!((pin>=8 && pin<=13)|| (pin>=3 && pin<=6)))error(TOUCHREAD, PSTR("invalid pin"), number(pin));
    #elif defined(ARDUINO_ADAFRUIT_QTPY_ESP32S2)
      if (!((pin>=5 && pin<=9))) error(TOUCHREAD, PSTR("invalid pin"), number(pin));
    #elif defined(ARDUINO_ADAFRUIT_QTPY_ESP32C3)
       error(TOUCHREAD, PSTR("invalid pin"), number(pin));
    #elif defined(ARDUINO_FEATHERS2) | defined(ARDUINO_ESP32S2_DEV)
      if (!( pin==1 || pin==3 || (pin>=5 && pin<=13))) error(TOUCHREAD, PSTR("invalid pin"), number(pin));
    #elif defined(ARDUINO_ESP32C3_DEV)
      error(TOUCHREAD, PSTR("invalid pin"), number(pin));
    #elif defined(ARDUINO_ESP32S3_DEV)
    if (!(pin==0 || pin==2 || pin==3 || (pin>=4 && pin<=9 ))
        error(TOUCHREAD, PSTR("invalid pin"), number(pin));