I’ve written an application to interface a low-cost I2C 128x64 OLED display to an Arduino board with graphics routines written in uLisp.
It supports I2C OLED display modules based on the SH1106 driver chip, available from a number of Chinese suppliers at a few dollars; for example, the Geekcreit 1.3" I2C OLED display, available from Banggood.
It provides the following commands:
(init-display) - initialises the display.
(moveto x y) - moves the drawing position to (x, y).
(drawto x y) - draws a line from the drawing position to (x, y).
(point x y) - plots a point at (x, y).
(clear) - clears the display.
I’ve also included a simple Turtle Graphics application that draws a Dragon Curve, to put the display through its paces!
For more details see Graphics display interface in Lisp.