at the uLisp page there’s a function to load uLisp functions from a file. It looks rather similar to:
(defun load (filename)
(with-sd-card (s filename)
(let ((line (read s)))
(if (null line) (return (globals)) (eval line))))))
Now I wrote a function to save the whole environment to a textfile:
(defun save (fn)
(princ "Saving:")
(with-sd-card (str fn 2)
(lambda (n)
(princ " ") (princ n)
(princ "(defvar " str)
(princ n str)
(princ " '" str)
(pprint (eval n) str)
(princ ")" str)
(terpri str) (terpri str))
You can test these functions with:
(defvar data '(1 4 9 16 25 36 49))
(defvar four 4)
((defun fac (n) (if (< n 2) 1 (* n (fac (- n 1)))))
(save "test.lsp")
Restart the board, then:
(require 'load) -- I stored this function in my LispLibrary
(load "test.lsp")
(globals) -- returns (save fac data four)
four -- returns 4
data -- returns (1 4 9 16 25 36 49)
fac -- returns (lambda (n) (if (< n 2) 1 (* n (fac (- n 1)))))
The formatting in the created file is not perfect, but it is working and the functions and variables can be read back using (load).
So you can develop a few functions with uLisp and save your work in a textfile, which will not depend on the version of uLisp used (as images are).
If ‘resetautorun’ is defined in your uLisp version you can create a small image to load the rest of the code from textfiles at systemstart.
Comments are welcome!
As I am a lisp newby, what do you think about the code of (save) (it took me a while to get it working ;-) )?
How would be the ‘lispy’ way of writing the function (save)?
Best regards,