Measuring temperature with uLisp


Here’s a simple application showing how to read a MCP9808 temperature sensor and change the colour of an RGB LED from blue to red as the ambient temperature rises from 20°C to 35°C:

Here’s the full program in uLisp:

(defvar blu 10)
(defvar red 11)

(defun led ()
   (with-i2c (str 31) 
    (write-byte 5 str)
    (restart-i2c str 2)
    (let* ((hi (read-byte str))
           (lo (read-byte str))
           (deg (logior (ash (logand hi #x0f) 4) (ash (logand lo #xf0) -4)))
           (b (max (min (* (- 35 deg) 17) 255) 0))
           (r (max (min (* (- deg 20) 17) 255) 0)))
      (analogwrite blu b)
      (analogwrite red r)
      (delay 500)))))

Read more details here: