Packages and persistent storage


Sorry for the double post but here is my code


Yes, I believe the add-to-package uLisp code above has a typo, it should be lst throughout.

Note: filename is the file you want to write to, and lst is a list of uLisp functions to write (or append in the case of add-to-package) to the file.

(add-to-package "my_functions.lsp" '(new_function another_function))


Wonderful! I believe saving works.

However when I use (load-package "hello.lsp") the hello fun is not loaded.

999853> (directory)
("funcs.lsp" "ULISP.IMG" "start.lisp" "hello.lsp" "ext.lisp" ".Trash-1000")

999853> (with-sd-card (str "hello.lsp")   (read str))
(defun hello nil (print "hello") )

999853> (load-package "hello.lsp")

999853> (pprintall)

(defun start nil (print "hinr"))

(defun add-to-package (filename list)
  (with-sd-card (str filename 1) (dolist (f list) (symbol-def f str))))

(defun save-package (filename list)
  (with-sd-card (str filename 2) (dolist (f list) (symbol-def f str))))

(defun load-package (filename)
  (with-sd-card (str filename) (loop
      (let (ln (eval (read str)))
        (unless ln (return nothing))))))



It looks like there is another typo, there should be two parenthesis around the let binding:

(defun load-package (filename)
  (with-sd-card (str filename) 
      (let ((ln (eval (read str))))
        (unless ln (return nothing))))))

I don’t have the ability to test this right now…I’ll check my notes when I get home if this doesn’t work for you.

If you want to load just one function from a file use load:

(defun load (filename)
  (with-sd-card (s filename)
    (eval (read s))))


The updated load-package function works on code I write to the sd card from another computer

save-package leaves a strange unprintable character in the dumped file which leaves us with

999852> (load-package "hello.func")
Error: undefined: 


@nanomonkey Ping reminder


Hi, sorry I did not have a T-deck or esp32 handy to retest my extension file.

I’m unable to reproduce your error on my end. The save-package, load-package, and add-to-package functions work as expected for me.

I do see unprintable characters at the Arduino serial monitor, but I believe those are just carriage returns.


It would be worthwhile to note that my own patches that run the file main.lisp off the SD card upon boot, sometimes result in this error. With no SD card plugged in, I get a “failed to open file” error (as expected), but when the card is connected and main.lisp exists, it sometimes prints “Error: undefined:” after it runs the file, if I recall correctly. So it might be a problem with uLisp’s handling of EOF inside (read). I do not believe it is an unprintable garbage character. If it is, maybe it’s just the NUL character not being handled right?


I know that sometimes when I turn on the t-deck there’s some stuff in the buffer that evaluates to nonsense and I couldn’t figure out where it was coming from. I thought it was the keyboard sending random data but it could be something like an uninitialized or poorly initialized buffer or pointer. It happens kinda randomly


Sorry, I wasn’t evaluating the save/load package on a T-Deck, I went ahead and tried it out there and found that the c function superprint is adding extra characters for highlighting purposes on the T-Deck.

Note: this also causes a bug with pprintall.

Until this is fixed you can use the following in your extension file:

void hyperprint (object *form, int lm, pfun_t pfun) {
  if (atom(form)) {
    if (isbuiltin(form, NOTHING)) printsymbol(form, pfun);
    else printobject(form, pfun);
  } else if (quoted(form)) {
    hyperprint(car(cdr(form)), lm + 1, pfun);
  } else {
    lm = lm + PPINDENT;
    bool fits = (subwidth(form, PPWIDTH - lm - PPINDENT) >= 0);
    int special = 0, extra = 0; bool separate = true;
    object *arg = car(form);
    if (symbolp(arg) && builtinp(arg->name)) {
      uint8_t minmax = getminmax(builtin(arg->name));
      if (minmax == 0327 || minmax == 0313) special = 2; // defun, setq, setf, defvar
      else if (minmax == 0317 || minmax == 0017 || minmax == 0117 || minmax == 0123) special = 1;
    while (form != NULL) {
      if (atom(form)) { pfstring(PSTR(" . "), pfun); printobject(form, pfun); pfun(')'); return; }
      else if (separate) { 
        separate = false;
      } else if (special) {
        pfun(' ');
      } else if (fits) {
        pfun(' ');
      } else { pln(pfun); indent(lm, ' ', pfun); }
      hyperprint(car(form), lm+extra, pfun);
      form = cdr(form);

object *fn_sym_def (object *args, object *env) {
  (void) env;
  object *obj = first(args);
  pfun_t pfun = pstreamfun(cdr(args));
  #if defined(gfxsupport)
  if (pfun == gfxwrite) ppwidth = GFXPPWIDTH;
  object *pair = findvalue(obj, env);
  object *var = car(pair);
  object *val = cdr(pair);
  if (consp(val) && symbolp(car(val)) && builtin(car(val)->name) == LAMBDA) {
    hyperprint(cons(bsymbol(DEFUN), cons(var, cdr(val))), 0, pfun);
  } else {
    hyperprint(cons(bsymbol(DEFVAR), cons(var, cons(quote(val), NULL))), 0, pfun);
  ppwidth = PPWIDTH;
  return bsymbol(NOTHING);


the c function superprint is adding extra characters for highlighting purposes on the T-Deck

Sorry about that. It’s on my to-do list to fix it.

I think the simplest solution would be a compile option on the T-Deck (and Cardputer):

// #define screeneditor

which would only add the highlight characters for the screen editor if enabled. What do you think?


It COULD also be another parameter to superprint(), so that it can be used without the special characters when dumping with pprintall() to a stream-that-may-not-be-the-screen, and with the special characters when it is known to go to the screen.


I agree that would be a cleaner solution, but I’m not sure that many people use the screen editor.


Either option seems suitable. My first instinct was to just make it a parameter for superprint.

I may be wrong, but isn’t highlighting only used on the graphic’s display? So couldn’t you only apply the highlighting characters when streaming to the display, and leave them off for all other streams?

if (pfun == gfxwrite)...


I’ll try this fix out and report back.


I do use the screen editor!


Success both ways when using the hyperprint


couldn’t you only apply the highlighting characters when streaming to the display, and leave them off for all other streams?

Good plan; I’ll implement that.


There’s a screen editor? ;D



A Lisp Editor for T-Deck


Extensible T-Deck Lisp Editor