Porting old code


I am trying to include some parts written by Dave Astels from an older release of uLisp (i.e. defmacro, quasiquote, etc).
They still use the old builtin table syntax with 4 arguments

{ string219, sp_defmacro, 0, 127 },
{ string220, sp_quasiquote, 1, 1 },
{ string221, sp_unquote, 1, 1 },
{ string222, sp_unquote_splicing, 1, 1 },
{ string223, sp_expand, 1, 127 },

the “1,1” is not a problem, but I can represent “0, 127” ?
127 is 7F in hex, so can it be 0x17F?



The 127 represented ‘no limit’, which is now represented by a 15 - so 0x0F and 0x1F would be the values you’re looking for there.


Oh, thanks a lot!