I’m trying to follow the examples for wifi but get stuck on how to call (with-client)
This is what I do :
(wifi-connect "myssid" "mypaswd")
after a while connected
(defun println (x s) (princ x s) (princ #\return s) (princ #\newline s))
(with-client (s)
(let ((line (read-line s)))
(when (null line) (return))
(print line)))
(println "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" s)
(println "Content-Type: text/html" s)
(println "Connection: close" s)
(println "" s)
(princ "<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><body><h1>ADC Value: " s)
(princ (analogread 0) s)
(println "</h1></body></html>" s)
(println "" s))
How do I call (with-client) ?
I tried (with-client (“”))
When I open a browser on this address nothing happens …
Kind regards
Ronny Suy