For some applications the most appropriate way to represent the data is as a two-dimensional array. Although uLisp doesn’t provide direct support for arrays, the following example shows how it’s easy to implement two-dimensional arrays using lists.
First we need a function to construct an empty array. Here is a function makearray that recursively creates an x by y array and returns it. It uses a helper function makelist:
(defun makearray (x y e)
(makelist x (makelist y e)))
(defun makelist (n e)
(if (zerop n) nil (cons e (makelist (1- n) e))))
The third parameter, e, specifies the initial value of each element. Here’s an example of its use:
> (defvar c (makearray 3 4 0))
> c
((0 0 0 0) (0 0 0 0) (0 0 0 0))
To access an arbitrary element of a two-dimensional array we use arrayref:
(defun arrayref (a x y)
(nth y (nth x a)))
Changing an arbitrary element is a bit trickier. Here’s one way using a function changearrayref, which uses a recursive helper function changenth:
(defun changearrayref (a x y n)
(changenth a x
(changenth (nth x a) y n)))
(defun changenth (list x n)
(if (null list) nil
(if (zerop x) n (car list))
(changenth (cdr list) (1- x) n))))
Here’s an example of its use on the array c we defined above:
> (changearrayref c 1 2 7)
((0 0 0 0) (0 0 7 0) (0 0 0 0))
Note that this is non-destructive; c still has its original value:
> c
((0 0 0 0) (0 0 0 0) (0 0 0 0))