Sending Lisp directly to an Arduino via the serial port


Thanks to Alex Skornyakov for reporting that you can send Lisp functions to uLisp running on an Arduino directly via the serial port using powershell on a PC running Windows 7.

For this to work you first need to disable the auto reset on the Arduino board. Fortunately you can do this just by connecting a 220Ω resistor between the 5V and Reset pins on the header; see:

You then just need to enter a command such as this at the command line:

powershell "$port= new-Object System.IO.Ports.SerialPort COM6,9600,None,8,one; $; $port.WriteLine('(dotimes (x 10) (digitalwrite 13 nil) (delay 1000) (digitalwrite 13 t) (delay 1000))'); start-sleep -m 50; $port.ReadExisting(); $port.Close()"

This will cause the LED on pin 13 to blink 10 times.

It should be possible to do something similar on a Mac from the Terminal; any suggestions?