Slime support for uLisp


Starting with a Swank server for Python, I’ve made one for uLisp.

Using this you can use slime-mode in GNU Emacs to interact with uLisp running on a board. The inferior-lisp buffer/REPL is supported, giving you the full emacs experience for a REPL.

Also supported are slime’s eval commands. E.g. slime-eval-last-expression (C-x C-e) which sends the expression to the left of the point to uLisp and displays the result in the echo area at the bottom of the Emacs window.

This is very much a work in progress but the basic functionality is very useful.

Working around serial buffer overflow with Emacs
A better IDE for uLisp?
Anyone using the slime support for ulisp?

Wow, this is exactly what I had been looking for!

Thanks a ton.


This is really good, thanks for writing it. I use it on the Lisp Badge.

Have you considered adding support for Emacs’s serial-term? You could use something like A better IDE for uLisp? as a starting point.


Does this Swank implementation for SLIME handle sending to uLisp expressions longer than the serial buffer?