( I am using GENTOO Linux…)
…I hope this could be identified as some problems of a certain person sitting right in front of my monitor instead
of being caused by a damaged board…
I donwloaded uLisp 4.0a for the ESP32, load it into the Arduino IDE, fixed some compilation error (which are already reported by others) and flashed my ESP32 (a TTGO T8 1.7.1 using ESP 32 DevKit setting in the Arduino IDE with the according settings).
When booting the board, while the serial monitor is already running, most of the time there is no “About” message, but sometimes it is.
Simple examples do work - something like ( * 2 21 ) => 42 .
Floating point also works…
The wifi connect works.
But the FFT-example? No…it eats the code of the example and the benchmark…and thats it.
(solve) does nothing and anything else from above does nothing, too. The boad is “dead”.
Powercycling de-zombie-fies the board again.
What could be the possible reasons?
( for (lot a thanks) (help any) )