Success in getting LilyGO T-Deck to work


Long story short, it works now …

Also I thought there is an issue with the SD-card; turn out you need to use a FAT16 (say 1 GB micro-SD Card … can you even found it). Even my FAT32 4 GB does work. But not FAT32 16 GB (formatted under Win11) NOT WORKING. guess I stick with 4GB!!!

Tbh just follows

This is especially the requirement and installation part. (It is the need if you have run it once and failed, you have to remove the files as detailed below. BTW, it seems the default CDC off and 4MB flash is on is ok. I will change it now to use the recommended setting).

Well, that is after many days … unlike my AI-1000 (which after waiting for years for FA-7 and MD-100, I just bought a PB-1000 yesterday to test the serial interface – well preparing to use my logic analyser, getting some serial chips and making a breadboard … result I hope may be but still not sure after many years) and the two Badge here (still struggle with parts, making it … etc.).

Got my handheld ulisp machine, Cheers!

Tl; dr (just in case you have issues after following the two, check the log see whether you have some previous cache the Arduino use … )

Follow mainly these two link but still not ok.

  1. Very good help especially about the library version
  1. The V.3 not using is really a fine point I missed but the key is how to reset to let it work (does the availability of the ls /dev/cu.usb* meant anything … it seems so but not sure but if nothing definitely error)

In fact it basically “brick” my LilyGo (power on just have a light on the keyboard and all dead):

  1. Downgrade to 2.014 for esf library (remark 1)
  2. Power-off T-deck then -on, hold the rolling ball and hold the RST, release RST and then following ball
  3. Upload ok 100%
  4. Double RST, or hold long RST … nothing

Dead in water. In fact, even the example of the T-Deck can be compiled and uploaded but nothing happens.

Remark 1: otherwise it does not even upload; V3 is not possible at all as missing I2S library due to Arduino changing names)

Further action :

a. Uninstall Uninstalling [TFT_eSPI@2.5.22] from Bodmer of the Arduino in the Arduino IDE library
b. Copy from T-deck lib again of the directory TFT_eSPI
c. Look at the console log whilst there are a lot of message (e.g. no touch support) it seems there is an issue of using some cache from last compile i.e. /private/var/folders/zm/3sm4syvs3jq8_07zvmkq6yrc0000gn/
d. delete as far as possible files there

cd /private/var/folders/zm
sudo rm -rf 3sm4syvs3jq8_07zvmkq6yrc0000gn/
# some may not be removed

Seems work now after upload again the ulisp tdeck ino and then long press RST/double click RST/power-on and power-off

Geat. After years finally got a handheld lisp machine!