I was thinking of making a mechanical keyboard with a Teensy 4(.1) and using µLisp to write the firmware.
My principal motivation for this is that I just find the configure -> compile -> flash process for a regular keyboard with QMK far too slow for me to experiment with keybindings and the like.
If I did, this would probably be my first time using µLisp (although I have CL experience of course).
My main concerns for this are power consumption and time delay, ideally, it needs to be ≤ 100 mW as some platforms do not support more gourmand keyboards. For time delay, I’m hoping using a Teensy 4.0 will alleviate any performance issues that we get as compared to a regular mech using a Teensy 2.0 + C.
Am I overestimating the performance requirements? Would an STM32 board also be suitable for this? I have a couple of Espruinos lying around which I could probably flash.
In general, would µLisp be suitable? The performance requirement is around 5-10 ms to process and send the keystroke to the operating system, maybe C actually matters there?
Am I missing anything with my plan to make a keyboard or does it seem reasonable?