uLisp timing & precision?


I wanted to try and use WS2812 LEDs with a NodeMCU, but it needs timings much shorter than milliseconds. Is this something that would be possible to add, or would it be too imprecise in uLisp anyway ?

[ https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/ws2812-breakout-hookup-guide ]


The WS2812 LEDs, aka NeoPixels, are very picky about timing. As uLisp is an interpreter I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t be able to generate the correct timings from a Lisp program.

One solution would be to extend uLisp with a function to call the Arduino NeoPixel library.

Another way would be to use the similar APA102 LEDs, which can be driven by a standard serial SPI output:



Thanks, I’ll look into adding the functionality to uLisp.


Ask me if you need any help. This is a good starting point:

Adding your own functions