I thought I’d share a way to comfortably work with a CommonLisp interpreter on a larger computer - applies to Linux, Windows and MacOS:
install GNU CommonLisp (CLISP)
install Sublime Editor
in Sublime install SublimeREPL plugin (https://sublimerepl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)
in Preferences/Package Settings/SublimeREPL/Settings-Default change “show_transferred_text” to true and save
in Preferences/Key Bindings add the following lines to the user part of the settings and save:
{ “keys”: [“ctrl+alt+b”], “command”: “repl_transfer_current”, “args”: {“scope”: “selection”}}
] -
set Sublime Layout to 2 columns (View/Layout/Columns: 2)
set Tools/Build System to “sublimerepl_build_system_hack”
in one editor column open Tools/SublimeREPL/Common Lisp/GNU Clisp
in other column type in your Lisp code (or load a Lisp file), make sure your View/Syntax is set to Lisp and select your code
press Ctrl+Alt+b - your selection is transferred to the REPL and evaluated (you may also use several other ways to transfer your code to the running CLISP interpreter - see Tools/SublimeREPL/Eval in REPL)
Looks like a long list of steps, but it’s not really complicated. The result is a nice lightweight setup with a split screen, one half showing the REPL results, the other one offering an editor panel. Very similar to the common “R” language setup using RStudio.
— EDIT: Works exactly the same way with SBCL as well (Steel Bank CommonLisp), just choose Tools/SublimeREPL/Common Lisp/SBCL as your REPL.
To add graphics, you may use “Sketch”: https://github.com/vydd/sketch
Needs some libraries to be installed beforehand, but works like a charm then.