dragoncoder047 has implemented a pretty full implementation of macros in uLisp if you need them:
Yes, I know about this and already use them, but it would be good to add it to the core language. Macros are a very important part of Lisp, and a Lisp implementation without macros is simply not a real Lisp in my opinion. Leaving this out of the language and making everyone apply the patches themselves gives a lot of unnecessary friction to be able to use uLisp.
It also makes any code that is written using macros not portable. I want to be able to use macros in my code and to share this code with others without having to distribute the code alongside a patched version of uLisp.
uLisp is not thread safe, and it would be a major rewrite to change this, so I can’t see how this can be done.
Could it be done in a non-threadsafe way and let the programmer worry about the safety of his own threads? Or even an implementation where the interrupts/multithread/separate core is running in its own namespace or completely separate process with no access to the main workspace would still be a valuable addon.
Also, a with-littlefs special form much like with-sd-card would be nice to have.
Good suggestion, and it would be relatively easy. I’ll look at it.
Nice, thanks!