Typos in version 2.8?


Hi David ,

In the following snipplet from 2.8 you 3 times used WITHSPCARD , I assume it must be WITHSDCARD ?


object *sp_withsdcard (object *args, object *env) {
#if defined(sdcardsupport)
object *params = first(args);
if (params == NULL) error2(WITHSPCARD, nostream);
object *var = first(params);
object *filename = eval(second(params), env);
params = cddr(params);
int mode = 0;
if (params != NULL && first(params) != NULL) mode = checkinteger(WITHSDCARD, first(params));
int oflag = O_READ;
if (mode == 1) oflag = O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_APPEND; else if (mode == 2) oflag = O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC;
if (mode >= 1) {
SDpfile = SD.open(MakeFilename(filename), oflag);
if (!SDpfile) error2(WITHSPCARD, PSTR(“problem writing to SD card”));
} else {
SDgfile = SD.open(MakeFilename(filename), oflag);
if (!SDgfile) error2(WITHSPCARD, PSTR(“problem reading from SD card”));

It only gives the errors when define sdcard is uncommented

Kind regards ,



Yes, that is indeed a typo. Thanks for finding it! I’ll upload corrected versions soon.


These are fixed in Version 2.8a, released today.
