About the Bugs category
Possible bug in "copy-list"
Failed tcpip_send_msg_wait_sem assertion with (wifi-server) on Cardputer
Bug in (write-byte) function ?
Little bug in example code "Simple data plotter"
Extremely high "global variable" region consumption on ARM?
Small bug in 4.6a?
Characters are lost in serial REPL output on a Teensy 4.1
T-Deck uLisp not running due guru meditation error
Site can't be reached
T-Deck cannot read some functions from serial
TFT display works with ARM uLisp 4.4b but not 4.5a
Issue with sdcard and (save-image) or (load-image)
Problem compiling ulisp 4.5 for arm on teensy 4.1
Typo in 1- documentation
Two bugs: serial stream input; lognot documentation string
uLisp 4.4a on a Pico W: Compilation error
uLisp 4.4 on Pico W: Compilation error
RPi Pico W bug?
[teensy 4.0] with-serial on port 1-3 goes to USB instead of Serial1-3
Error all wifi examples
Unclear errors when trying to compile on different Arduino boards
Problems using uLisp with ESP32 Arduino core version 2.0.2
Push doesn't accept Reverse as a valid Place
KybdAvailable not always cleared as expected
uLisp ESP Version 4.0b
ESP32 compile error
Bugs in pprintall
Non-lexical scope?
I²C on RPi Pico
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