Little bug in example code "Simple data plotter"


I think there is a little bug in the example code “Simple data plotter” on

In the last line of function ‘tst’ the ‘ash’ function receives a float, resulting here in an error that it wants an integer. Adding an ‘truncate’ or ‘floor’ solves it.

But maybe I’m missing something because I see the same construct used in the previous version of the example.


The function was originally written on the AVR version of uLisp which doesn’t have floating-point numbers, so division gave an integer result. The best solution, for portability, would be to change each occurrence of / to truncate. Thanks for pointing this out.


But maybe I’m missing something because I see the same construct used in the previous version of the example.

Can you give me a link to that - I should fix that too. Thanks!


Thanks for your reaction, and for sharing uLisp ofcourse. The old example with the same “issue” is at webpage Simple data plotter for 128x64 OLED display


Thanks! I’ve fixed those too.


That is quick. Is a ‘truncate’ around the ‘ash’ not enough ?


That would certainly work, but since the original program was designed for AVR uLisp which doesn’t have floating point, its more consistent to change the / operator to truncate.


I understand. Thank you for the explanation.
