Watchdog for esp32


Hi David ,

I think that in the embedded world , its a good thing to have a watchdog.
Do you think it’s usefull for the esp32 ?
I found an example for the esp32. Maybe you could implement it in ulisp ?
I was thinking of (watchdog-enable) , (watchdog-timeout ‘milliseconds’) , (watchdog-reset)

Below is the example.

Kind regards ,
Ronny Suy

#include "esp_system.h"

const int button = 0;         //gpio to use to trigger delay
const int wdtTimeout = 3000;  //time in ms to trigger the watchdog
hw_timer_t *timer = NULL;

void IRAM_ATTR resetModule() {

void setup() {
  Serial.println("running setup");

  pinMode(button, INPUT_PULLUP);                    //init control pin
  timer = timerBegin(0, 80, true);                  //timer 0, div 80
  timerAttachInterrupt(timer, &resetModule, true);  //attach callback
  timerAlarmWrite(timer, wdtTimeout * 1000, false); //set time in us
  timerAlarmEnable(timer);                          //enable interrupt

void loop() {
  Serial.println("running main loop");

  timerWrite(timer, 0); //reset timer (feed watchdog)
  long loopTime = millis();
  //while button is pressed, delay up to 3 seconds to trigger the timer
  while (!digitalRead(button)) {
    Serial.println("button pressed");
  delay(1000); //simulate work
  loopTime = millis() - loopTime;
  Serial.print("loop time is = ");
  Serial.println(loopTime); //should be under 3000


Hi Ronny,
Thanks for the suggestion.

So timerWrite(timer, 0) tickles the timer? If it reaches wdtTimeout without being tickled resetModule() is called?

Does a timeout have to restart the ESP32, or could it just call a function and then carry on?

What is ets_printf?

Would we need (watchdog-enable)? Couldn’t (watchdog-timeout ‘milliseconds’) automatically enable the watchdog?

What would its application be in uLisp?



Hi Ronny,
Thanks for the suggestion.

So timerWrite(timer, 0) tickles the timer? If it reaches wdtTimeout without being tickled resetModule() is called? -> yes indeed

Does a timeout have to restart the ESP32, or could it just call a function and then carry on? -> I think its best to reset the core , just as in the example

What is ets_printf ? -> no idea :-( , I think its debug info only

Would we need (watchdog-enable) ? Couldn’t (watchdog-timeout ‘milliseconds’) automatically enable the watchdog?
-> yes that’s ok

What would its application be in uLisp?
-> this way a program that get’s stuck for some reason resets the core , so no hangups are possible. In my former company I used it a lot on avr chips to prevent lock-ups on erratic situations.



However in uLisp if you reset the ESP32 you’d lose all your functions and variables. How would you get around that?


David ,

That’s no problem at all.
The core resets , the program is read back from sdcard or eeprom , and it starts again.
If variables are lost that’s ok , the main issue is that a reset is done.
Of course the program has to be stored with (save-image 'name).