Characters are lost in serial REPL output on a Teensy 4.1 [Bugs] (9)
uLisp-ARM support for TCA8418 I/O expander with ILI9341 display [Hardware] (12)
Adafruit QT Py ESP32-S2 - compiling [Platforms] (4)
T-Deck goes into reset loop after flashing with ulisp-tdeck [T-Deck] (5)
What would you like to see in uLisp in 2024? ( 2 3 ) [New Features] (53)
Using ulisp to upload to an FTP server [Using uLisp] (2)
The revamped streams thread [New Features] (1)
The Future of Lisp [General] (3)
Bit fields. Easier to understand? [Platforms] (5)
Extension functions / unexpected behaviour - SOLVED [Programming Help] (10)
Forum Site is very slow [Site Feedback] (11)
T-Deck uLisp not running due guru meditation error [Bugs] (12)
Site can't be reached [Bugs] (4)
T-Deck editor conversion for ulisp for arm? [Extending uLisp] (1)
T-Deck cannot read some functions from serial [Bugs] (4)
Simple Lisp program editor [Applications] (16)
Globals is not a list [Using uLisp] (3)
Proposed solution to serial buffer problems ( 2 ) [New Features] (22)
3D printable LispBadge LE case [Lisp Badge] (5)
Is the Pimoroni Pico VGA Demo Base uLisp compatible? [Lisp Badge] (3)
How to output text to the terminal, but not the T-Deck display [T-Deck] (3)
Would it be possible to add "make-symbol"? [Using uLisp] (3)
SDcard support for RPI pico? [Platforms] (16)
Calling up the last line typed with a single keystroke [New Features] (12)
Introducing Lisp Badge LE [Lisp Badge] (3)
Reloading compiled code [Extending uLisp] (1)
GPS interface using uLisp [Applications] (11)
Would it be possible to provide "return-from" in uLisp? [New Features] (2)
Focus on what matters: use managed-state-event-loop [Applications] (1)
TFT display works with ARM uLisp 4.4b but not 4.5a [Bugs] (11)